A website about the Bromley North Branch Line
This website started up about a year ago (see archives) and regular news started about half a year ago but in that time I have noticed that the content has been mainly based around Bromley North. Perhaps this is justified- Bromley North takes three times the amount of passengers as Sundridge Park hence the name 'Bromley North Branch Line.' However there is a lot going on at Sundridge Park such as the refurbishment of the waiting room and surrounding facilities plus the general up-keep of the station (done extraordinarily well be the staff) and it's a shame that this news column- which is meant to represent the whole branch, misses out on this news.
Therefor I Issue a request for anybody out there who goes through Sundridge Park regularly to email [email protected] and volunteer themselves to provide news (and possibly photographs) from Sundridge Park.
A Grove Park source would be equally welcome aswell!

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Website about the Bromley North Branch Line which runs between Bromley North and Grove Park with a intermediate stop at Sundridge Park